Wirkman Virkkala

is an editor and writer living in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest. An American of Finnish extraction, he was known to many readers of the first twelve years of Liberty magazine (now LibertyUnbound.com) by his initials, “TWV” — with that “W” having always stood for “Wirkman”; his writings have appeared under his own moniker in print media such as Reason, American Enterprise, and the late, lamented Loompanics Catalog. Now a freelance professional, he has survived without a salaried position for over a decade. Not long ago he wrote a series of forewords to eBook editions of individualist classics, for Laissez Faire Books.

And yes, you guessed it: he is a supporter of the ideal that some dub “laissez faire capitalism,” the form of capitalism that is hardest to convince politicians to support. He regards the rigors of laissez faire the best form of business regulation, and the only one compatible with a rule of law. It also serves as a form of political regulation — the wisest anti-corruption program yet devised.

Insert ideas into head, observe at safe distance.

Virkkala has stated his philosophy while standing on one foot; he has staked out his own territory within the libertarian movement as a “LocoFoco agnarchist”; a secular humanist, he has been known to list his religion as “Mac user since 1987”; he has blogged since his first days online, with only some of that old material incorporated here.

Wirkman Netizen” and “Discriminations” were two names for previous iterations of Virkkala’s  blog. Now the blog is re-branded, as of December 18, 2018. “Wirkman Comment” may not be the most elegant designation, but hey: it seems to fit the URL, wirkman.com.

He sometimes refers to himself as a “designated semiotician and unlicensed memetic engineer.” He thinks this is funny.

This will probably be the only page on this site where he refers to himself in the third person. We can all be happy about that. The insignia, at right, is his personal logo: a squared Yin/Yang symbol. “The Tao that can be spoken of is not the true Tao, but a reasonable facsimile.”

Send him a message on Facebook, or Like his political page, LocoFoco.US, which he shares with artist James Littleton Gill. His author page on Facebook, as above, does not include his first name: Wirkman Virkkala. He is also on Minds.com (wirkman), Gab.com (@wirkman), Twitter (@wirkman), Instagram (wirkmanv), and YouTube (wirkmanDOTcomment and Ask the Next Question). He is also at work on a Vimeo page project.

His oldest surviving domain name, InsteadOfABlog.com, now points to this site’s IoaB section (see above). Other projects will also be listed on this page as they come to leaf, if not full fruit. Current ones include “Herbert Spencer’s Shade” (http://fb.me/SyntheticPhilosophy) and “Third School of Political Economy” (http://fb.me/CondillacSchool).

RECENT UPDATE June 9, 2020:

Now podcasting at LocoFoco.net! Video versions of these podcasts can be found on the LocoFoco YouTube channel, as long as that vile platform allows them. But look for them on 

BitChute: bitchute.com/locofoco
Brighteon: brighteon.com/channels/wirkman

The podcast is called the LocoFoco Netcast, and can be found via podcatchers such as Apple, Google, and Spotify.

And there is a community now forming at Locals.com: LocoFoco.locals

Please join us at these sites. And sign on to BitChute and make a stand against the Deep State’s pet media tyrants.