The “we prefer bears” meme is feminist larping. “Would you rather be stuck in a forest with a man or a bear?” Ha!

Feminists and thots know it’s a joke, which is why most laugh when they respond, on camera, to the question with the ursine answer. In reality, not even one feminist in a hundred would actually choose the bear. The percentage of men who are as dangerous as bears can be is small; the percentage of bears who are in fact as dangerous as bears can be is larger. Feminists say they will choose bears over men because ragging on how dangerous men are is fun, sportive. It’s part of what feminism is

The larping goes on, in part because feminism has always been a status game, not a sexually egalitarian movement. It’s been quite successful way for some women to gain status with high status men while doing what most women have always done with alacrity: beef about low-status men. But sub rosa it’s a way of attacking mid-status men for not being high-status. 

The low-status men are the criminals, the layabouts, the gimps, and the insane — the defectives. But some of them have higher sexual cachet among women than the mid-status men. The men feminists really hate.

That’s the most interesting point. Now that monogamy is mostly dead, 80 percent of the women seek 20 percent of the men, and get them in serial monogamy or default polyamory. This leaves 80 percent of men as mockable.

“We prefer bears” is a passive-aggressive way of throwing shade upon not the dangerous men, but the mid-level men who don’t live up to women’s standards.

It’s rather funny. Feminism is the sexual alchemy by which a majority of the male population has been transmuted into the minority, leaving only top-status men as worth anything in women’s (feminists’) judgments. It is wildly unrealistic and nasty, but so preposterous that calling it misandry might be doing it too much honor.
